Sarah Tan Hui Fen (Sarah) Tan
Google Scholar

I am a researcher interested in algorithmic fairness, causal inference, interpretability, and healthcare. Currently, I am a Director in Responsible AI at Salesforce. I also hold a Visiting Scientist appointment at Cornell University. I co-founded the Trustworthy ML Initiative and am president of Women in Machine Learning (WiML).

I received my PhD in Statistics from Cornell University, where I was advised by Giles Hooker and Martin Wells, with Thorsten Joachims and Rich Caruana on my committee.

Previously, I studied at Berkeley and Columbia, and worked in public policy in NYC, including the health department and public hospitals system. I was also a Data Science for Social Good fellow. I was fortunate to spend summers at Microsoft Research. Towards the end of my PhD studies, I was a visiting student and bioinformatics programmer at UCSF medical school. I joined Facebook after completing my PhD, and worked in Core Data Science before moving to Responsible AI.


I’m currently based in Seattle. You can reach me at ht395 AT


  • 9/24: Gave a guest lecture for the University of Southern California’s ENG 499 “Ethics in Enginerring Design of AI Systems” class.
  • 9/24: Was a panelist on NISS’ 2024 Industry Career Fair.
  • 8/24: Representing Salesforce on a US AI Safety Institute task force.
  • 8/24: Co-organizing 2nd edition of Regulatable ML workshop at NeurIPS 2024. Submit your paper!
  • 7/24: Gave President’s Remarks and mentored a roundtable on interpretability at the 2024 Women in Machine Learning Symposium @ ICML.
  • 6/24: Was a panelist on “Exploring AI Career Pathways” for Girls Who Code’s high school summer immersion program.
  • 5/24: Did a fireside chat in the University of Colorado Denver’s PUAD 6600 “AI for Public Sector Innovation” class.
  • 3/24: Gave a guest lecture for Stanford University’s CS131 “Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications” class.
  • 9/23: Was a panelist at Columbia Business School’s Challenges in Operationalizing Responsible AI workshop.
  • 1/23: I have been elected president of the Women in Machine Learning organization (WiML).
  • 1/23: I will be the Tutorial Chair for FAccT 2023.
  • 9/21: I will be the Diversity & Inclusion Chair for AISTATS 2022.

For other news, click here.

Code & Data

Publications and Preprints

Journal and Conference Papers


For older publications and workshop papers, click here.



  • I played piano and (bad) ukulele in an Indian fusion carnatic band. We have some videos here