Older Publications and Workshop Papers
- Efficient Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation With Multiple Experiments and Multiple Outcomes
- L Yao, C Lo, I Nir, Tan, A Evnine, A Lerer, A Peysakhovich
- Conference on Digital Experimentation 2021 (Oral)
- Using Explainable Boosting Machines (EBMs) to Detect Common Flaws in Data
- Z Chen, Tan, H Nori, K Inkpen, Y Lou, R Caruana
- ECML-PKDD International Workshop and Tutorial on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining 2021 (Oral)
- Practical Policy Optimization with Personalized Experimentation
- M Garrard, H Wang, B Letham, S Singh, A Kazerouni, Tan, Z Wang, M Huang, Y Hu, C Zhou, N Zhou, E Bakshy
- NeurIPS 2021 Causal Inference Challenges in Sequential Decision Making Workshop
- “Why Should You Trust My Explanation?” Understanding Uncertainty in LIME Explanations
- Y Zhang, K Song, Y Sun, Tan, M Udell
- ICML 2019 AI for Social Good Workshop
- Teaching biomedical applications of computer vision using docker containers
- DS Lituiev, Tan, A Bishara, J H Sohn, J Kornak, D Hadley
- UC Conference on AI in Biomedicine 2019
- Interpretable Approaches to Detect Bias in Black-Box Models
- AAAI/ACM AIES 2018 Doctoral Consortium
- A Double Parametric Bootstrap Test for Topic Models
- S Seto, Tan, G Hooker, M Wells
- NIPS 2017 Interpretability Symposium
- Probabilistic Matching: Incorporating Uncertainty to Improve Propensity Score Matching
- Tan, G Hooker, M Wells
- NIPS 2016 Causal Inference Workshop
- Positive Unlabeled Learning for Anomaly Detection in Nut Allergies Protein Microarray Data
- FB Darku, S He, MA Hossain, S Ren, Tan, I Trejo-Lorenzo
- IMSM 2016 technical report
- Press releases: SAMSI, Rho, Inc
- Proximity Score Matching: Locally Adaptive Matching for Causal Inference
- Tan, D Miller, J Savage
- NIPS 2015 Machine Learning in Healthcare Workshop
- Lightning talk, Atlantic Causal Inference Conference 2015
- 1 of 3 Best Student Paper Awards from American Statistical Association’s SSPA section
- Using Ranking Support Vector Machines for Group Recommendations
- Tan, R Rotabi, HGT Nguyen
- Poster at New York Academy of Sciences Machine Learning Symposium 2015
- Identifying At-Risk Mothers for Targeted Interventions
- S Abraham, J Lockhart, Tan, R Turner, Y Kim
- Presentation and poster at KDD 2014 Session on Data Science for Social Good
- Talk at Chicago Python User Group
- Blog post
- Two Ways of Modeling Hospital Readmissions: Mixed and Marginal Models
- Tan, R Low, S Ito, R Gregory, L Bielory, V Dunn
- Proceedings of Joint Statistical Meetings 2013
- Drug Interactions of Beta Blockers and Beta Agonists and Their Association with Hospital Admissions
- Tan, R Low, S Ito, R Gregory, V Dunn
- Proceedings of SAS Global Forum 2013
- Hospital Readmission Rates: Related To ED Volume, Population, And Economic Variables
- R Low, S Ito, R Gregory, L Rassi, Tan, C Jacobs
- Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 2012