How Uncertain Are Your Random Forest Predictions?

Sarah Tan


This vignette demonstrates how to use the surfin R package to compute uncertainty for random forest predictions. As noted by Wager et al., two sources of variability contribute to the variance of a random forest’s predictions: sampling variability (that the data we see is merely a sample from the unseen population) and Monte Carlo noise (that only a finite number of bagged replicates - i.e. the bootstrapped samples or subsamples trees are trained on - is used). We will compare two ways to estimate this variance: (1) a U-statistics based estimate (Mentch & Hooker 2016) based on subsampled trees that is implemented in this package (2) an infinitesimal jackknife based estimate (Wager, Hastie, Efron, 2014) based on bootstrapped trees using the R package randomForestCI provided by the authors. For further discussion of the differences between these first two variance estimates, see Section 2.1 of Mentch et al..

Package Updates

Categorical predictors are currently converted to their numeric equivalents, not made into indicator variables. This feature is pending. If you have categorical predictors, for now, make them indicators before calling the forest function.

This package is actively under development. Feedback, bug reports, etc. are very much welcome! Find our contact info on the package website.


Let’s get started! First, load packages needed for this example:

library(devtools)  # to install randomForestCI package from github
library(randomForest)  # to compare forest implementations
library(rpart) # for kyphosis data
library(MASS) # for Boston housing and breast cancer data

Next, install and load the randomForestCI R package:



We start with a regression example:

x = Boston[,1:(ncol(Boston)-1)]
y = Boston[,ncol(Boston)]
#x = cu.summary[,c("Price","Country","Reliability","Type")]
#y = cu.summary$Mileage
keep = !
y = y[keep]
x = x[keep,]
keep = !apply(,1,any)
y = y[keep]
x = x[keep,]
n = length(y)
train = sample(1:n,n*0.7)
test = setdiff(1:n,train)
xtrain = x[train,]
ytrain = y[train]
xtest = x[test,]
ytest = y[test]

Typical random forest implementations use bootstrapped trees. The U-statistics based variance estimate is based on subsamples which allows the Central Limit Theorem to be applied. The number of observations subsampled should be on the order of \(\sqrt{n}\) where \(n\) is the number of observations in the data set. Other parameters of interest are the number of trees, and B (the number of common observations between trees), and L (the number of trees sharing a observation). ntree, B and L are connected: if we use ntree=5000 trees and B=25 common observations between trees, L=5000/25 = 200 trees will share an observation, then the next 200 trees with share another observation, and so forth. So two of these three parameters need to be specified, and the third will automatically follow. Mentch & Hooker found in their experiments that a range of 10 to 50 for B works well empirically.

Below, the variance option “ustat” automatically sets sampling to be performed without replacement with the appropriate subsample size. We specified ntree to be 5000 and B to be 25, so L follows as 200.

fit = forest(xtrain,ytrain,var.type="ustat",B=25,ntree=5000)
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."

Check out what the forest object outputs:

##  [1] "inbag.times"     "oob.times"       "forest"         
##  [4] "type"            "varNames"        "replace"        
##  [7] "var.type"        "B"               "sampSize"       
## [10] "ntree"           "individualTrees" "predicted"      
## [13] "predictedAll"    "predictedOOB"


There are a variety of prediction options to choose from:

  1. On the train set using only out-of-bag train observations

  2. On the train set using all train observations

  3. On the test set using all test observations

u_train_oob = fit$predicted        # Case (1)
u_train = predict(fit,xtrain)  # Case (2)
temp = predict(fit,xtest,individualTrees=T)   # Case (3)
u_test = temp$predicted
u_test_all = temp$predictedAll
temp = data.frame(u_train_oob,u_train)
##   u_train_oob  u_train
## 1    17.94845 17.21274
## 2    25.59756 22.86480
## 3    32.95932 32.50851
## 4    23.30036 23.09435
## 5     9.93262 10.00375
## 6    18.10525 16.71734
## [1] 21.73023 17.86578 20.02137 20.14602 19.96073 21.84161

U-statistics based variance estimate

We can calculate and plot the u-statistics based variance estimate on the test set (Case (2)):

ustat = forest.varU(u_test_all,fit)
##      y.hat  var.hat
## 1 21.73023 2.800562
## 2 17.86578 3.113678
## 3 20.02137 3.364887
## 4 20.14602 0.959694
## 5 19.96073 1.133617
## 6 21.84161 1.610932

It’s also possible to retrieve not just the variance, but also covariance between predictions:

temp = forest.varU(u_test_all,fit,covariance=TRUE)
y.hat = temp[[1]]
cov = temp[[2]]
## [1] 152 152
##           [,1]       [,2]       [,3]      [,4]       [,5]       [,6]
## [1,] 2.8005616  1.3798763 2.35868396 0.2858902 0.37539330  0.4766694
## [2,] 1.3798763  3.1136784 0.58256656 0.3287284 0.30679037 -0.1954635
## [3,] 2.3586840  0.5825666 3.36488742 0.0885935 0.07325777  0.6401547
## [4,] 0.2858902  0.3287284 0.08859350 0.9596940 0.96595207  0.3806474
## [5,] 0.3753933  0.3067904 0.07325777 0.9659521 1.13361688  0.3877370
## [6,] 0.4766694 -0.1954635 0.64015469 0.3806474 0.38773703  1.6109323

The (i,j) element in the covariance matrix represents the estimated covariance between observation i and observation j’s predictions.

The diagonals of the covariance matrix are exactly the variances we saw above:

unique(diag(cov) - ustat[,2])
## [1] 0

We can also calculate variance estimate on the train set (Case (1)):

ustat = forest.varU(fit$predictedAll,fit)
##      y.hat    var.hat
## 1 17.21274  8.9931407
## 2 22.86480  4.1529134
## 3 32.50851  8.6739443
## 4 23.09435  0.7795148
## 5 10.00375  2.3272626
## 6 16.71734 29.0370111

Infinitesimal jackknife based variance estimate

Now we compare to the infinitesimal jackknife based variance using the randomForestCI package. The infinitesimal jackknife based variance estimate uses bootstrapped samples. The parameter of interest here is the number of trees. Wager et al. showed that the number of trees should be on the order of \(\sqrt{n}\) to \(\frac{n}{\log n}\) for the variance estimate to be stable.

rf = randomForest(xtrain, ytrain, keep.inbag = TRUE, ntree=5000) 
ij = randomForestInfJack(rf, xtrain, calibrate = TRUE)
##        y.hat   var.hat
## 127 16.53159 0.4033264
## 343 20.20229 8.6657229
## 264 31.06317 0.3073395
## 91  23.06674 0.5220697
## 387  9.35698 0.5545347
## 143 14.84383 1.6900509

Next we try calling the infinitesimal jackknife code in the randomForestCI package, but using our forest with bootstrapped samples (sampling with replacement):

fit = forest(xtrain,ytrain,var.type="infjack",ntree=5000)
ij2_train_oob = fit$predicted   # Case (1)
ij2 = forest.varIJ(fit$predictedAll,fit)
##       y.hat   var.hat
## 1 16.416135 0.8584885
## 2 19.563145 8.8300243
## 3 31.412246 0.7337753
## 4 22.602270 0.5210426
## 5  9.999253 0.6110645
## 6 15.877614 9.3014199

Compare to randomForest package

Let’s compare our forest’s predictions to the predictions of the randomForest package:

rf_train_oob = rf$predicted

Infinitesimal jackknife based variance estimate on subsamples

fit = regression_forest(as.matrix(xtrain),ytrain,num.trees=5000)
tmp = predict(fit,xtrain,estimate.variance = TRUE)
ij_s = data.frame(tmp$predictions,tmp$variance.estimates)
##   tmp.predictions tmp.variance.estimates
## 1       16.457457              0.5017414
## 2       23.620753              4.3819401
## 3       30.255019              5.6906871
## 4       24.162986              1.1405607
## 5        9.757034              0.4234434
## 6       14.619335              0.3782159

Combining the three estimates

We can look at the two components of the U-statistics based variance separately, to obtain a more equitable comparison with the infinitesimal jackknife based variance:

fit = forest(xtrain,ytrain,var.type="ustat",B=25,ntree=5000)
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
ustat = forest.varU(fit$predictedAll,fit,separate=TRUE)
##       y.hat   var.hat var.hat.component1 var.hat.component2
## 1 17.040441  9.026232           9.018845        0.007387001
## 2 22.756579  4.141804           4.135040        0.006763889
## 3 32.582935  6.487118           6.478309        0.008808755
## 4 23.117471  1.226573           1.224871        0.001702090
## 5  9.941546  1.976457           1.973618        0.002839079
## 6 16.640265 19.442555          19.423059        0.019495677
##        y.hat   var.hat
## 127 16.53159 0.4033264
## 343 20.20229 8.6657229
## 264 31.06317 0.3073395
## 91  23.06674 0.5220697
## 387  9.35698 0.5545347
## 143 14.84383 1.6900509
##   tmp.predictions tmp.variance.estimates
## 1       16.457457              0.5017414
## 2       23.620753              4.3819401
## 3       30.255019              5.6906871
## 4       24.162986              1.1405607
## 5        9.757034              0.4234434
## 6       14.619335              0.3782159

Sensitivity Analysis

Let’s compare the variance estimates and see how they change when more trees are used in the forest. Like the examples above, B is set to 25. We vary the number of trees from 1000 to 7000:

varU = vector("numeric")
varIJ = vector("numeric")
nts = seq(1000,7000,1000)
for (nt in nts)
  fit = forest(xtrain,ytrain,var.type="ustat",B=25,ntree=nt)
  varU = c(varU,mean(forest.varU(fit$predictedAll,fit)[,2]))
  rf = randomForest(xtrain, ytrain, keep.inbag = TRUE, ntree=nt) 
  varIJ = c(varIJ,mean(randomForestInfJack(rf, xtrain, calibrate = TRUE)[,2]))
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
plot(nts,varU,ylim=c(0,max(varU,varIJ)),cex.axis=0.6,ylab="Mean Est. Variance",xlab="Number of Trees",type="o",cex.lab=0.5)

## [1] 19.047514 13.002373  6.795531  8.269921  4.357806  5.716746  5.608624
## [1] 1.952063 1.525624 1.533387 1.546329 1.573048 1.544822 1.526463

We can also perform sensitivity analysis on the B parameter, the number of common observations between trees. Using 5000 trees:

varU = vector("numeric")
varIJ = vector("numeric")
bs = c(10,25,50,100)
for (b in bs)
  fit = forest(xtrain,ytrain,var.type="ustat",B=b,ntree=5000)
  varU = c(varU,mean(forest.varU(fit$predictedAll,fit)[,2]))
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
plot(bs,varU,ylim=c(0,max(varU,varIJ)),cex.axis=0.6,ylab="Mean Est. Variance",xlab="B",type="o",cex.lab=0.5)

## [1]  2.353647  4.513786  9.814501 15.999577

Another parameter that’s important for the U-statistics based variance is the number of observations used by each tree. In a regular random forest this would just be \(n\), the number of observations, but in a subsampled random forest we need to select the number of subsamples. Sensitivity analysis for this parameter pending.

Binary Classification

Next, we try classification. Currently only binary classification is supported:

#x = biopsy[1:(ncol(biopsy)-1)]
#y = biopsy[,ncol(biopsy)]
x = kyphosis[,c("Age","Number","Start")]
y = kyphosis$Kyphosis
keep = !
y = y[keep]
x = x[keep,]
keep = !apply(,1,any)
y = y[keep]
x = x[keep,]
n = length(y)
train = sample(1:n,n*0.7)
test = setdiff(1:n,train)
xtrain = x[train,]
ytrain = y[train]
xtest = x[test,]
ytest = y[test]

The response is rather imbalanced:

## y
##  absent present 
##      64      17


Like for regression, we have several options for prediction.

fit = forest(xtrain,ytrain,var.type="ustat",B=50,ntree=5000)
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs replace=FALSE. Forest was built with this option."
## [1] "U-statistics based variance needs individualTrees=TRUE. Forest was built with this option."
##  [1] "inbag.times"      "oob.times"        "forest"          
##  [4] "type"             "key"              "varNames"        
##  [7] "replace"          "var.type"         "B"               
## [10] "sampSize"         "ntree"            "individualTrees" 
## [13] "predicted"        "predictedAll"     "predictedProb"   
## [16] "predictedOOB"     "predictedProbOOB"
u_train_oob = fit$predicted        # Case (1)
## u_train_oob
##  absent present 
##      51       5
u_train = predict(fit,xtrain)  # Case (2)
## u_train
##  absent present 
##      50       6
temp = predict(fit,xtest,individualTrees=T)   # Case (3)
u_test = temp$predicted
u_test_prob = temp$predictedProb
u_test_all = temp$predictedAll
## u_test
## absent 
##     25

U-statistics based variance estimate

Check out the test set variance estimate (Case (2)):

ustat = forest.varU(u_test_all,fit)
##    y.hat      var.hat
## 1 absent 0.0003898888
## 2 absent 0.0062014411
## 3 absent 0.0196940708
## 4 absent 0.0062160706
## 5 absent 0.0063813829
## 6 absent 0.0140145338

It’s possible to look at the predicted probability of the classes, instead of class names:

ustat = forest.varU(u_test_prob,fit)
##        y.hat     var.hat
## 1 0.01122024 0.000380496
## 2 0.07850881 0.005919839
## 3 0.22535333 0.019956682
## 4 0.13462405 0.006085724
## 5 0.11608048 0.006676548
## 6 0.32174524 0.013877763

Now we look at the training set (Case (1)), both class names and probabilities:

ustat = forest.varU(fit$predictedAll,fit)
##     y.hat      var.hat
## 1  absent 6.991374e-03
## 2  absent 8.465584e-05
## 3  absent 2.979472e-04
## 4  absent 3.790655e-02
## 5  absent 5.559198e-02
## 6 present 2.397472e-02

ustat = forest.varU(fit$predictedProb,fit)
##         y.hat      var.hat
## 1 0.080050476 0.0058511784
## 2 0.005188571 0.0001036628
## 3 0.006505476 0.0003087007
## 4 0.364473333 0.0367705552
## 5 0.390675000 0.0522782401
## 6 0.705473333 0.0246707625

Infinitesimal jackknife based variance estimate

Again we can compare to the infinitesimal jackknife: (looks like there is a bug in the randomForestCI code (infinitesimalJackknife.R; line 144-145) in variance estimates for classification, so the code below is commented out until that package is fixed)

#rf = randomForest(x, y, keep.inbag = TRUE)
#ij = randomForestInfJack(rf, x, calibrate = TRUE)

Again we run the infinitesimal jackknife code in the randomForestCI package on our forest with sampling with replacement:

fit = forest(xtrain,ytrain,var.type="infjack",ntree=5000)
ij2_train_oob = fit$predicted   # Case (1)
ij2 = forest.varIJ(fit$predictedAll,fit)
##    y.hat      var.hat
## 1 1.0662 0.0058837190
## 2 1.0000 0.0007481407
## 3 1.0000 0.0007481407
## 4 1.2410 0.0598847631
## 5 1.6526 0.0926676268
## 6 1.8816 0.0165616758

Compare to randomForest package

We end by comparing our forest’s predictions to that of the randomForest package

rf = randomForest(xtrain,ytrain,keep.forest=TRUE,keep.inbag=TRUE,replace=TRUE,ntree=5000)
rf_train_oob = rf$predicted
##              rf_train_oob
## ij2_train_oob absent present
##       absent      46       2
##       present      2       6

Implementation Notes

Mathematical Notes

Some Intuition (to be fleshed out)

In a foundational paper, Breiman (2001) showed that the variance of a random forest’s predictions is determined by two factors: the variance of each tree in the forest, and the correlation between trees. Intuitively, having trees that are certain about their predictions and less correlated with each other means the forest is reasonably certain .

One of the parameters driving correlation between individual trees is how many features they share - the higher the proportion of features each tree is allowed to see, the higher the probability that different trees have features in common. However, this parameter also affects the variance of an individual tree, as the less features a tree is allowed to see, the more uncertain its predictions.